Rantings of the disappointed believer

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Here is that link I promised. Some of you might remeber, but if you don't, there is a reference back there, some where.



At 8:04 PM, Blogger Adam Byrn "Adamus" Tritt said...

Crisp and clear and who could argue? But, Sir, you tease your reader. What was the question?

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Adam Byrn "Adamus" Tritt said...

HA! I put the comment in the wrong place.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Earthpig said...

Actually, Sir Adamus, I tease no-one, here. It is not the content of the question, but the fact that the question was a trick. It was proclaimed as such by the person doing the asking. I took no exception to the question other than the fact that it was a trick.

I cannot argue the asking of a question, as it is a reliable method by which to gain informaton. I do argue the validity of a question, or any action, which is designed to toy with the emotions of the person to whom the question is asked.


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